I've been working on a new recipe, but it isn't ready yet…. So instead, I thought I'd share some of my recent portrait work. While I was in Washington, DC for my sister's law school graduation, I had the privilege to take engagement photos for some friends. I've known Jessie for years and years & Jessie introduced me to her then-boyfriend Joe last year at our mutual friend
Kelli's wedding. They're an adorable, hilarious couple. Both were cracking jokes & laughing throughout the entire shoot.
We started at Meridian Park...
While driving to the second location, we made a quick stop at Starbucks. Even though we were supposed to be taking a break, Starbucks seemed like a perfect location to grab a couple shots (especially since one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of Jessie is "coffee").
Jessie is originally from ND, and Joe is originally from MN, but they met while in Washington, DC, when they both worked at the Capital. Such a cool story! I love when photo locations have a significance besides just being a pretty spot :)
Lastly, we wrapped up the shoot in the East Capitol neighborhood area. What an adorable couple. Their joy, humor, and love for each other was a pleasure to photograph. And I love Jessie's ring (though, I should admit I am *slightly* partial to
blue rings).
Before I wrap this post up, I need to give a HUGE thank-you to my sister Michelle, who came along as an assistant. She has a great eye for posing, as well as watching to make sure that neither Jessie's (nor Joe's) hair or clothing were out of place. Thanks, sister! I couldn't have done it without you.
I'll be back next week with a recipe!
All images copyright Laura E. Vein. Please do not use, copy, or repost without permission!