This matcha jasmine tea latte has been a delicious replacement for my morning cup of coffee, as I’m in the midst of an Autoimmune Protocol reset + other therapeutic measures.
Giving up coffee is often a stumbling block to those who embark on the Autoimmune Protocol. I know from experience that eliminating coffee isn’t easy, and I wouldn’t even say that I have a coffee (or caffeine) addiction. I simply love the flavor and ritual of having a cup in the morning. Another reason (warning: TMI) is my daily cup kept me “regular” better than any supplement I have yet tried. The first thing I reintroduced on AIP was coffee for that very reason: I was tired of constipation.
Back in May, still suffering from not optimal digestion, I was diagnosed with SIBO, which my functional medicine doctor and I believe to be a cause of my constipation. For those not familiar with SIBO, it stands for “Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth” and basically means that bacteria that normal lives in your large intestine (and is beneficial to your large intestine) has migrated into your small intestine where it does not belong and where it causes digestive abnormalities.
Because the first course of antibiotics were not as effective in eliminating the SIBO as my doctor and I hopped they’d be, I’m taking a more aggressive stance for this second round. Another stronger course of antibiotics. Specific supplementation. Incorporating lifestyle factors. Going back on strict AIP + incorporating a low FODMAP component as well.... Thankfully, none of those measures are meant to last forever, but still, it has been a tough couple of weeks, as the pool of foods compliant to both AIP and low FODMAP (plus some of my personal food intolerances) is quite small...
Going back to strict AIP meant I’d have to give up coffee once again. But the protocol my doctor recommended also suggested that I consume at least 2 cups of green tea each day, which helped fill some of the morning ritual void I thought I’d experience in giving up coffee again. I went through my tea stash, looking for which teas I had that would work on AIP and Low FODMAP, and I rediscovered a small tin of matcha. Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder that contains more health benefits & is more nutrient dense than drinking regular steeped. In my pre-paleo days, I loved ordering soy green tea lattes at coffee shops, but I hadn’t really made them at home.
Matcha Jasmine Latte
Yields 1 serving
1 c / 8 oz filtered water, to make the jasmine tea
3 Tbl Coconut Milk
1 Tbl Coconut Oil 
1 Tbl Collagen
(optional, but it is a great aid for gut health and added protein to the beverage)
3/4 tsp unsweetened Matcha 
- Bring the filtered water to just under a boil over high heat. Pour over the jasmine tea bag either in a small tea pot, or pyrex liquid measuring cup, or large mug. Cover and allow to steep 5 minutes.
- Measure 3/4 c (6 oz) of the brewed tea into a high speed blender (this is the one I use
). Add the remaining ingredients & blend until frothy and well combined.
- Pour into a mug & enjoy!
- I prefer my green tea lattes unsweetened--they're more healthful. But if you’re new to AIP or a low sugar lifestyle, you could start by adding a little bit of raw honey or grade B maple syrup. Over time you reduce the amount of sweetener until you don’t need any at all.
- This recipe would probably work with an immersion blender, if you don’t have a high speed blender. Simply whisking the ingredients together will not work because of the coconut oil.
- Make sure to purchase a high quality Matcha for optimal flavor and health benefits.
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